
1. 以学习为动力,强化专业知识:我们举办为期一周的大师培训班,实行一对一名师授课。学期结束时将举行两场音乐测试会,考试合格的学员将颁发荣誉证书。
2. 以文化交流为目的:组织为期4日的荷兰,比利时,卢森堡,德国,法国欧洲文化之旅,让学员感受西欧艺术气息和风土人情,感受欧洲的魅力和风情。

In order to promote Sino-French friendship and broaden the view of our students, Oui-Media, together with Paris International Art Center and numerous musicians, organizes exchange activities about French classical music.

1 Expertise learning: We organize musical training courses. At the end of the semester, there will be two musical test. The students who pass the examination will be awarded certificates.
2 Cultural exchange: Four-day organizational travel tour to western Europe is organized to understand the art, culture and customs.